Getting started:

Do have a look at the online support videos to get an overview of how to access BSI Connect and starting using technology to manage your world of compliance.

You can access the online resources from the Library section. If you are in the Connect Plus application then select the ‘ ? ‘ icon in the top right toolbar and select ‘User Guides and Resources’

If you feel there is anything missing from the FAQ’s then please send an email to MK.customerservices@bsigroup.com with the subject (Connect Plus FAQ Request).

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There are currently 20 names in this directory
Access - Does the user license give me the opportunity to use the software on the web, mobile or tablet?
A User can access both the Connect Plus web version and the mobile app. It is possible to give someone "read only" access which does not allow access to the mobile app.

Access - How do I reset my password?
On the log-in screen, press 'Forgot' and this will take you to a new screen where you will be asked to enter your username. Press the send button. An email will be sent to the email address you have linked to your BSI Connect account with a link to reset your password. You can watch a video on how to reset it here: Click Here To Open Instructions

Access - I have a login page security error or when I type my password in the login page just flashes: 
All Connect web addresses (URL's) should start with https:// If the address has been copied, stored as a shortcut or edited by email security software the 's' can sometimes be lost (http://). if the 's' is missing you can manually add it in but be sure to correct any saved shortcuts.

Access - My new user has not received their activation email. 
Please check that the activation email has not landed in the user's Junk folder and that the email address: connectalerts@bsigroup.com is not blocked by a group IT policy. If your organisation uses email security software such as Mimecast, please ensure that the bsigroup.com domain is added to the 'whitelist'. Your email administrators will be able to help with this. Please note that it is common for organisations to use a user's email address as their username. When checking for spelling mistakes ensure you check the 'email' field first and then make the username match accordingly if there is an error.

Access - Why can't I sign in?
Do you have your correct username and password entered? Ensure that caps lock isn't activated as passwords are case sensitive.

Audits - Can I associate more than one checklist to my audit schedule?
Currently only ONE protocol can be associated to an audit schedule

Audits - What is the easiest way to see what audits are due?
The calendar function is the easiest way to see all your audits in one place, both internal and external. This is available from the calendar view of the audit page: Click Here To Open Instructions

Certification - Can you supply a copy of my certificate(s)?
Yes. Your certificates are available from the left menu: Click Here To Open Instructions

Checklists - Can I make changes to the protocol questions if there is a live audit associated to it?
No. When an audit is in progress, the checklist cannot be changed. This is to ensure the audit answers remain based on the checklist at the time of answering. Create a new version of the checklist and any subsequently scheduled audits, using this protocol, will use the new version and the questions within.

Data storage & encryption - How is data encrypted in transit and at rest:
Application data in transit is encrypted to sha256 RSA2048 bit – Data at rest - AES-256 encryption

Data storage & encryption - Where and how is my data stored and backed up: 
BSI Connect is hosted with AWS (Amazon Web Services). EU customers by default are hosted in London.

Findings & Actions - Can a Finding be approved before it is closed?
Not in Connect Plus. This functionality is only available in Connect Custom

Findings & Actions - How many finding types can I have?
There are three finding types available in Connect Plus. If you would like more, or the ability to rename the existing ones, this functionality is available in Connect Custom.  

Findings & Actions - Is there an 'Undo' button if I close a record by mistake? 
It's not currently possible to 'undo' the completion of a record.  There are many operations that 'hang off' a state transition (e.g. email notifications, calendar updates, revision history, system activity log etc.)

Miscellaneous - Can I get a copy of the data on the BSI Connect System?
Most of the record lists within the system have export functionality which will allow you to download the data in these lists. Individual documents can also be downloaded. If you choose to stop using BSI Connect Plus a *.bak SQL file can be provided along with copies of uploaded files.

Miscellaneous - Does BSI have access to our data?
Yes. BSI does have access to your data. This is required for support purposes. For more details please see our terms and conditions.

Miscellaneous - I want to allocate a user to a record role (e.g. owner) but it won't let me - the user is greyed out rather than in bold & black text 
Connect will only allow you to select users who are eligible for that record role. If a user is 'greyed out' this usually means they do not have sufficient privileges. Please check they have the right permission set and also that the user in question has access to the same location and management system as stipulated in the record. It's good practice to populate the location and management system of each record first. Without this information Connect cannot determine who is eligible for selection.

Miscellaneous - If I want two users, what is the cost?
You can get a system with up to 10 users for less than twice the price of a single user system.

Miscellaneous - What browsers do you support? 
Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

Miscellaneous - Where do I go for more help? 
If you have not found answers either in the video tutorials or the user guides, you can submit a query to BSI customer services: MK.customerservices@bsigroup.com